Chapters: - Indications for Surgical Intervention in Spinal Disorders
- When Not to Operate for Spinal Disorders with Vincent Devlin
in Spine Secrets
Publishers Hanley & Belfeus 2003
Chapter: Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Instrumentation at the Lumbosacral Junction. P. Enker, A..D. Steffee, V. Leone
In Adult L5-S1 Surgery
(Ed) Joseph Y. Marguiles, M.D., Ph.D.
State of the Art Reviews Vol. 1, 1:1; January 1997 Publishers Hanley & Belfus
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty with Patelloplasty. J. Antoniou,
A. Hadjipavlou, P. Enker, A. Antoniou. International Orthopedics (SICOT) 1996;20:94-99.
The Causes of Failure of Lumbar Transpedicular Spinal Instrumentation and Fusion - A Prospective Study. A. Hadjipavlou, P. Enker, P. Dupuis, S.. Katzman, J. Silver, International Orthopedics (SICOT) 1996;20:35-42.
Chapter: Total Disc Replacement P. Enker and A.D. Steffee
in Second Edition The Textbook of Spinal Surgery (Eds.) K.H. Bridwell, R.L. DeWald,
Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1996
Chapter: Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion P. Enker and A.D. Steffee
In Lumbosacral and Spinopelvic Arthrodesis
(Eds.) J.Y. Margulies, Y. Floman, J.-P.C. Farcy, M.G. Neuwirth, Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1996
Chapter: Variable Screw Placement Spinal Fixation System Paul Enker and A.D. Steffee
In Lumbosacral and Spinopelvic Arthrodesis
(Eds.) J.Y. Margulies, Y. Floman, J.-P.C. Farcy, M.G. Neuwirth, Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1996
Seven Year Follow-Up of Vertebral Excision and Reconstruction for Malignant Hemangioendothelioma of Bone. D.R. Sybert, A.D. Steffee,
L. Keppler, R. Biscup, P. Enker. Spine, Vol. 20(7) pp. 841-4, 1995.
Posterior Transvertebral Osteotomy for Adult Thoracolumbar Kyphosis
S.M. Lehmer, L. Keppler, R.S. Biscup, P. Enker, S.D. Miller, A.D. Steffee. Spine, Vol. 19(18) pp. 2060-7, 1994
Interbody Fusion and Instrumentation. P. Enker, A.D. Steffee Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. Vol. 300, March 1994.
Artificial Disc Replacement: Preliminary Report With a 3-Year Minimum
Follow-up. P. Enker, A.D. Steffee, C. McMillin, L. Keppler, R. Biscup, S.D. Miller. Spine: Vol. 18(8), pp. 1061, 1993.
Treatment of Multilevel Anterior and Retrolisthesis of the Lumbosacral Spine. P. Enker, A.D. Steffee, L. Keppler, R. Biscup, S.D. Miller.
In Lumbar Fusion and Stabilization. (Eds.) K. Yonenobu, K. Ono, Y. Takemitsu.
Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, pp. 126, 1993.
Malignant Transformation in Pagets Disease of Bone.
A. Hadjipavlou, P. Lander, H. Srolovitz, P. Enker. Cancer, Vol. 70 (12), p. 2802-8, December, 1992.
Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Technique Using the Variable Screw Placement Spinal Fixation System. J.W. Brantigan,
A. Steffee, L. Keppler, R. Biscup, P. Enker. In Spine: State of the Art Reviews, Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 1992, page 175.
Paget’s Disease of Bone: Orthopedic Management.
A.G. Hadjipavlou, P. Lander, and P. Enker. Current Concepts of Bone Fragility, Springer-Verlag, Berline Heidelberg, 1986.
CT of Paget’s Disease of the Spine;
M. Zlantkin, P. Lander, J. Levine, A. Hadjipavlou, P. Enker. Radiology, Vol. 157, pp. 237, November, 1985.